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Toku Chipping Hammer TYC-6B

Toku Chipping Hammer TYC-6B

Toku Chipping Hammer TYC-6B


Ideal for civil engineering, construction, chipping work on thin concrete, deburring, bush hammering work etc.


Length: 430mm
Weight: 6.7kg
Air consumption: 0.80m3/min
Piston diameter: 28.54mm
Stroke: 75mm
Blow rate: 1800bpm


TYC-6B is strong and slightly bigger than other chipping hammers.
The available steels are basically same as Toku AA-1.3B and AA-3B, but since the springs are different, it has its own cutter steel type.


There are two types of shank type. Please let us know which type you require. 
① Hexagonal shank φ 14.75 H x 60 L
② Round shank φ 17.45 × 60 L

  • Specification

    Toku N-3P

    Piston size (mm): 28.54
    Stroke (mm): 102
    Weight (kg): 6.8
    Length (mm): 450
    Impact rate (BPM): 1,700 
    Shank size (mm): φ17.45 x 60L, 14.75H x 60L
    Air consumpption (m3/min): 0.8
    Air inlet (inch): 3/8 NPT
    Hose size (mm): 12.7

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